Fixing Jagged MLAT Tracks on dump1090

Do you have jagged, wiggly MLAT tracks when viewing your local dump1090 client?  If you’re using the ADSBexchange image install for Raspberry pi, it’s likely because the dump1090 display is showing both FlightAware and ADSBexchange MLAT results.  FlightAware does have a more complete (but filtered/obfuscated) MLAT network, so your best bet if these squiggly tracks bother you is to simply have your dump1090 show only FA tracks.  If you want to do this, here’s the procedure:

SSH into your pi

Login: pi
Password: flightaware (it's based on the piAware 3.1.0 image, of course!)
cd adsb-exchange

(Now arrow down to the 2nd to last line of text, starting with "/usr/bin/mlat-client" and
arrow all the way over to the end of the line, likely off the screen)
Delete the last part of the line "--results beast,connect,localhost:30104")

Press Control-x, then "Y", then enter.
Reboot your Pi with the command "sudo reboot now"

That will cause mlat-client not to request ADSBexchange feed back MLAT results to your pi. You will still be sending your data to ADSBexchange to
allow MLAT calculations, however.


1 thought on “Fixing Jagged MLAT Tracks on dump1090”

  1. So far ADS-B Exchange MLAT works better than PiAware’s or FlightRadar24’s MLAT tracking in my area. I use VRS to receive ADS-B Exchange and PiAware MLAT and can switch between the two with the receiver selection on the map view. With FlightAware and FlightRadar24 I have an average of 100 MLAT contacts per feed and yet I get better resolution on the flight paths with the ADS-B Exchange with only about 14 connected MLAT receivers.

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