ADS-B Exchange Image Command Line Configuration

Command Line Configuration:

This is only necessary if you aren’t using the GUI.

Before you start you will need your Location (Lat/Lon) to 5 decimal points and your Antenna Elevation. The website gives ground elevation so you will need to add your antenna’s height to that.

To find your latitude, longitude, and altitude for adsb-config.txt, go to

Be sure to add in the height above ground of the antenna install to the altitude.

To test your feeder is working correctly after setup go to and look for 2 green smiles!

Links to the map and dashboard can be found by putting IP assigned to your Pi by your LAN network in a web browser.

Configuration using text files (alternative to Wifi/GUI Setup)

After burning image file, remove the sd-card and put it back into the reader and a new drive / partition should show up, find the one that has the file adsb-config.txt and a bunch of other files on it. If Windows asks you to format it, ignore that, it’s normal as Windows doesn’t recognize the 2nd partition on the card.

Sample 1090 single SDR adsb-config.txt:


Edit the existing file with your information and altitude of antenna in MSL. Use notepad or basic text editor.



Be sure to change the USER to a nickname for your station. It’s used to show the approximate location (5 mile offset for privacy) and sync status on the MLAT map

Save adsb-config.txt to the sd card.

See next section for wireless setup.

Wifi Setup

The same drive / partition that has adsb-config.txt is the where you want to save wpa_supplicant.conf, download and save the base file from here: Change the my_wifi, my_password and the country, save it.

You can repeat this step if you ever want to change the wifi credentials, you’ll need to download the file again.

First Boot

Insert the sd-card into the Raspberry Pi, plug in the power and wait 2 minutes for the first boot to complete.

Find the IP address

If you don’t know how to look up the IP address of the Raspberry Pi on your routers configuration page, check this link for some advice: Raspbian Remote Access Guide

With the IP address you can visit the local webinterface for the ADS-B Exchange image: (replace the IP address with the one you have found) Useful info on how to use SSH: SSH from Windows 10 SSH from Linux or OSX

Local login / SSH access

For local console login with keyboard / screen use below user / password: SSH access is enabled out of the box using the below user / password:

user: pi
password: adsb123

Consider changing the password using this command:


978 for US based 2 SDR receivers

You only need to do this if you have more than one SDR on the device.

Stop services that are using the SDRs:

sudo systemctl stop readsb
sudo systemctl stop dump978-fa

Unplug the 1090 SDR and set the serial for the 978 SDR:

sudo rtl_eeprom -s 978

Unplug the 978 SDR and set the serial for the 1090 SDR:

sudo rtl_eeprom -s 1090

Unplug both SDRs, plug them back in again to make the system aware of the new serials, a reboot is not sufficient. You can use sudo rtl_test to check if the serials are assigned correctly to the SDRs. Then use this command to edit /boot/adsbx-env:

sudo nano /boot/adsbx-env

and remove the # for this line:

RECEIVER_OPTIONS="--device 1090 --device-type rtlsdr --ppm 0"

and add a # for this line:

#RECEIVER_OPTIONS="--device-type rtlsdr --ppm 0"

Then save: Ctrl-O and Enter and exit: Ctrl-X

Edit /boot/adsb-config.txt and change DUMP978 to yes:


Display ADSBx config

cat /boot/adsb-config.txt

Change ADSBx config

sudo nano /boot/adsb-config.txt

Then save: Ctrl-O and Enter and exit: Ctrl-X To apply the changes, reboot:

sudo reboot

Check that you’re feeding: If you’re on another network or the /myip above somehow doesn’t work, use this command to show the feed map URL:


Make sure to check that your MLAT sync is working: If you have other stations in your area and can see a couple ADS-B aircraft, you should have synced peers and not be timed out. If you’re timed out or don’t have any peers re-check your coordinates and altitude entered in the config.

Restart readsb service

sudo systemctl restart readsb

Show readsb status

sudo systemctl status readsb

Start Feeder Services

sudo systemctl start adsbexchange-mlat
sudo systemctl start adsbexchange-feed

Restart Feeder Service

sudo systemctl restart adsbexchange-feed
sudo systemctl restart adsbexchange-mlat

Show Feeder Service

sudo systemctl status adsbexchange-mlat
sudo systemctl status adsbexchange-feed