Existing Feeder Installation

ADS-B Exchange Setup ScriptsThe “script” Method

*Before you start you will need your Lacation (Lat/Lon) to 5 decimal points and you Antenna Elevation, if you don’t know this already you can use THIS WEBSITE to get it. *Remember the website gives ground elevation so you will need to add your antenna’s height to that.

Feeder Install Package
Github ( adsb-exchange )

Running the following commands will download the contents of the repository and begin setup.

Install the ADS-B Exchange client

wget -O /tmp/axfeed.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/adsbxchange/adsb-exchange/master/install.sh

sudo bash /tmp/axfeed.sh

Update the ADS-B Exchange client without re-configuring

wget -O /tmp/axupdate.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/adsbxchange/adsb-exchange/master/update.sh

sudo bash /tmp/axupdate.sh

Changing the configuration

This is the same as the initial installation. If the client is up to date it should not take as long as the original installation, otherwise this will also update the client which will take a moment.

wget -O /tmp/axfeed.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/adsbxchange/adsb-exchange/master/install.sh

sudo bash /tmp/axfeed.sh

Display the configuration

cat /etc/default/adsbexchange

ADS-B Exchange Anywhere
Github ( adsbexchange-stats )

Running the following commands on your Raspberry Pi will download the stats package and allow you to see your feed and additional info about the data we receive from you directly on our site.

wget -O /tmp/axstats.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/adsbxchange/adsbxchange-stats/master/stats.sh 

sudo bash /tmp/axstats.sh

To test your feeder is working correctly, or to get your direct link if stats package is installed, go to https://www.adsbexchange.com/myip/

If you need assistance, or you have questions, please start a thread in the forums or join our Discord chat server for help.

Useful commands

Display MLAT config

cat /etc/default/ADS-B Exchange


sudo systemctl status adsbexchange-mlat

sudo systemctl status adsbexchange-feed

Restart Service

sudo systemctl restart adsbexchange-feed

sudo systemctl restart adsbexchange-mlat

Show stats URL on console


Status ADS-B Exchange Anywhere

sudo systemctl status adsbexchange-stats

Restart ADS-B Exchange Anywhere

sudo systemctl restart adsbexchange-stats

Technical Info (aka, stuff you probably don’t even need to know)

  • The scripts use a systemd service to start and run.
  • After completing the setup do not delete this repository.
  • At a minimum, you will need a Pi running any Raspbian image and SDR with dump1090 or readsb installed and configured to start at boot.
  • The script method works for all feeders that have dump1090 or readsb outputting beast data on port 30005.
  • All MLAT participants will receive a back-feed of any aircraft where their data was used in the calculations.

Reporting Issues
Feel free to report any issues you encounter with this script using the forum or contact ADSBx here.

GitHub: https://github.com/adsbxchange/adsb-exchange

NEED HELP? Join our Discord Chat.

That’s it, your traffic should now appear on the Global Radar Page.